In the next 3 years, the temperature in Vietnam increases by 0.5 degrees Celsius

Vietnam's temperature will increase by 0.3-0.5 o C in 2010; 1-2 o C in 2050 and 1.5-2.5 o C in 2070. Areas with the highest temperature increase are North West and Viet Bac. The above information was presented at Vietnam's Technical Workshop on 21st century climate change scenarios organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on September 28 in Hanoi.

According to Dr. Hoang Duc Cuong, Head of Climate Department (Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment), synthesizing information from future climate projections (also known as climate scenarios) of Vietnam. The climate of Vietnam tends to heat up.

Picture 1 of In the next 3 years, the temperature in Vietnam increases by 0.5 degrees Celsius

Environmental pollution makes the Earth's climate heat up.In the photo: A factory is discharging emissions into the atmosphere.(Photo: Tran Vu)

Temperatures in the northern climates increase faster than in the southern regions. In northern climates, winter temperatures increase faster than summer temperatures. In the climatic regions in the South, there is no significant change, the period with the fastest temperature increase in the year is March, April and May.

There are many causes of climate change due to rapid economic growth, increasing population .

In addition to the increase in temperature, the seasonal rainfall also fluctuates around 0-10% in 2010, 2050 and 2070. The place of great fluctuation in rainfall is the Central (specifically North Central Ministry, Central Central and northern part of South Central).

Sea level is also rising about 5cm / decade and will rise 33-45cm in 2050 and 2070. Forecasts, by the end of the 21st century, the sea level in Vietnam may rise (compared with 1990) from 18- 68cm.

Obtaining research results on scientists based on global climate change plans and in Southeast Asia; Calculation results and conclusions about the nature, degree of change, changing trend of climatic factors in the past 30-40 years.
