Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?

As signed in the Paris Agreement, the countries agree to a single goal: keep no more 2 degrees Celsius, try only 1.5 degrees C.

The difference of 0.5 degrees C does not seem like much right? Will our anti-merit effort be worth just 0.5 degrees C? Honestly, this is a difficult question to answer. Although there have been studies showing that a large temperature gap, such as an increase of 2 or 4 degrees Celsius, can make the global disaster worse (extreme heat waves, sea level rise, water sources and food sources). affected, .) but no studies have shown how an increase of 1.5 degrees C and 2 degrees C affects the world.

Picture 1 of Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?

Fortunately, new research in Earth System Dynamics has directly answered this question for us.The team of researchers at CarbonBrief showed how different the two numbers are, of how large a 0.5 degree C is :

Picture 2 of Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?
In some specific locations, an increase of 2 degrees C would be much worse than a rise of only 1.5 degrees C.

The extreme heat will change. Global temperatures increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius will cause significant temperature changes, especially in tropical areas.

In the Mediterranean region, the amount of available fresh water will drop sharply by 17% when global temperature increases by 2 degrees Celsius. When the temperature only rises a little, 1.5 degrees Celsius, fresh water will only drop by 9%. .

Some areas in the High-latitude region will benefit when temperatures rise by 2 degrees Celsius, but all those benefits will soon be erased if global temperatures continue to rise. But in other locations, such as West Africa, Southeast Asia or Central and South America, when the temperature increases by 2 degrees Celsius, rice and corn production will decrease significantly.

Picture 3 of Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?
The top chart shows a change when the global temperature increases by 2 degrees Celsius. The second graph shows a change when the global temperature increases by 1.5 degrees Celsius. compare.

At an increase of 2 degrees C, the sea level will rise by more than 2 centimeters compared to an increase of 1.5 degrees C.

Coral reefs will not have any luck when temperatures rise: they will face extinction. When global temperatures increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius, by 2050, 90% of existing reefs will be in danger but will drop to 70% by 2100. But in the case of global temperature increases of 2 degrees Celsius Nearly all of the current coral reefs will stand on the brink of extinction.

This year, the research team of "0.5 degree Celsius" will complete its report, but current scientists have confirmed and warned that level 2 degrees C is not Another level of safety for the Earth : there have been adverse effects on the environment and, increasingly, things will get worse.

Picture 4 of Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?
Factory dust is one of the reasons why the Earth's temperature rises.

Stopping global warming at 1.5 degrees C requires a global action

It is not long before the global temperature reaches 1.5 degrees. We cannot calculate exactly when, only possible corrective actions can be taken as soon as possible. At the current level of exhaust emissions, it is about 4 years to reach the 1.5 degree Celsius mark. The more you postpone the action, the more you will push millions in the tropics into the lack of food and millions. Mediterranean people in the absence of fresh water.

Currently, we have lost a lot of coral reefs into the hands of climate change and attached them, pushing hundreds of species of living creatures based on it to the point of destruction.

Then, when the global temperature reached the limit of 1.5 degrees, then what? We will again consider whether the next limit will be 2 or 3 degrees Celsius. Then the new scorching heat, the amount of food and fresh water will decrease, the coastal cities will suffer, translate. The disease will come with disaster, millions of people will be at risk.

Picture 5 of Hot earth 2 degrees Celsius will have worse consequences than heating up only 1.5 degrees Celsius, why?
It is not long before the global temperature reaches 1.5 degrees.

Then when it reaches that milestone, what will we do?

The longer we wait, the more happiness will disappear, the more consequences will occur, the more devastating the Earth's ecosystem will be. We can't hide because only Earth is home, if we don't take care of our common home, where will mankind go?

The smartest thing we should do is to turn the Earth into a living place suitable for the next generation of people - A legacy for descendants. Many people do not understand that we are not saving the planet, but humanity is saving ourselves and the next generations.