Indian officials claim the Internet was invented in curry!

An Indian official voiced Internet claims invented by ancient Indians thousands of years ago.

Mr. Biplab Deb - Governor of Tripura State (India) yesterday (April 17), said from the Mahabharata epic of the country, the Internet and even the satellite have existed for a long time.

Picture 1 of Indian officials claim the Internet was invented in curry!
Tripura Biplab Deb State Governor.(Photo: PTI).

'India has been using the Internet for a long time. In the Mahabharata, Sanjay, despite being blind, still recounts the battle situation for King Dhritarashtra who was miles away. That's thanks to the internet and technology. Space satellites also appeared in that period, ' Mr. Deb said in public.

However, his example does not seem to convince anyone. Even on social networks like Twitter, the keyword "Tripura CM Biplap Deb" is becoming very hot when netizens are mocking and criticizing this seemingly "wild" statement.

It is known that Mr. Deb is not the first Indian official to have declared "eloquent" about the technological and scientific progress of the curry country. Earlier in 2014, the country's Prime Minister, Narenda Modi, also assured doctors and medical staff at the Mumbai hospital that cosmetic surgery had existed since ancient India.

Most recently in September last year, the Minister of Human Resource Development for Indian Education, Satyapal Singh, also made the media 'eyebrow' when he thought the aircraft appeared in the epic. Ramayana.

Mahabharata is one of the two ancient Sanskrit epics of India, the second is Ramayana. Mahabharata consists of 110,000 double verses (sloka), the longest epic in the world, 7 times the total of the two ancient Greek epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey combined. This work is considered the "Great Encyclopedia" about traditional culture, about legends and about the political and social institutions of ancient India. It is a mirror that reflects the whole of traditional Indian life as an old adage: "What is not visible in the Mahabharata cannot be seen in India."

This epic also occupies an important position in philosophy and religion in India, since it incorporates a philosophical dialogue of up to 700 verses between the brave Arjuna and Lord Krishna before the war. This miraculous piece of philosophical poetry is considered a complete independent work called the Bhagavad Gita, the most important text of Hinduism.