Eating curry can prevent infections

Research at the University of Oregon (USA) recently showed that curcumin active in curry powder is often used by housewives in cooking can significantly increase the amount of protein that boosts the immune system. It helps the body fight bacteria and viruses, including bacteria that cause tuberculosis, even though our bodies have never been exposed to this bacterium.

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In his study, Professor Adrian Gombart discovered curcumin can increase the concentration of antibacterial amino acid chains, cathelicidin, nearly 3 times. Professor Gombart said: 'Curcumin is often used in processing foods with relatively low levels. However, it is highly likely that regular use of this spice for a long time will be beneficial to health and help fight inflammation, especially in the stomach and intestines'. According to him, this study could open a new direction in developing therapies for treating infections.

In addition, the study also found curcumin - the active ingredient that has long been claimed to have antioxidant properties to help prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer - also enhances physiological function.

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