Iran successfully developed the bomb

National Iranian television reported on August 23 that Tehran has successfully developed a so-called ' smart ' bomb weighing up to 900kg. This is the latest in a series of recent announcements about the country's new weapons systems.

Picture 1 of Iran successfully developed the bomb A smart bomb called Qased or Messenger could be equipped for US-made Iran-built F-4 and F-5 warplanes, the Iranian Ministry of Defense said. know.

Iran often announces new weapons in its arsenal, but the United States says that while the Islamic Republic has made some progress, many of its claims are essentially just one. inflated

Emanuel Winston, an expert on the Middle East at the US-based Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, said Iran's announcement of smart bombs was " credible ."

Iran began its own arms development program in the 1980-88 war with Iraq in response to the US-imposed arms embargo, and since 1992 Iran has produced tanks, armored vehicles and rockets.