Is animal testing unethical?

Some researchers support animal experiments and argue that it is unethical and unethical to not do research on animals, but to pay for human life.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, some researchers supported animal experiments and said that only when not doing research on animals is unethical. and pay the price of human life.

Picture 1 of Is animal testing unethical?

A Chinese researcher injected a test solution into a monkey at the lab
in south of guangzhou city, china.(Photo AFP)

Stuart Zola of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University said that animal testing has created " significant developments in research, improving the quality of human life" .

According to the researchers, treatments for diseases like diabetes and polio have been done through animal research; Animals are also used in the study of hepatitis, HIV, stem cells and some other diseases.

However, animal rights activists continue to put pressure on laboratories that use animals to develop drugs and vaccines, urging them to stop experiments and use other means to deliver them. Develop drugs, treatments.

John Vandenberg of the Southwestern National Primate Research Center, Texas, said that he had received many emails from hepatitis C patients saying that they would not use the drug developed because of the test on sperm. fine. However, " any drug for hepatitis C, it is developed with chimpanzees. The world is completely indifferent to the origin of the drug and the vaccine they have, " John said.

Researchers claim that animal research in the United States is covered by a series of principles and regulations to ensure that animals used in experiments are treated humanely.

Research institutes that receive federal funding must have " an animal care program and a committee to review all animal use processes, even with rodents, " - Stuart Zola said.

This process is then reviewed by another committee that includes veterinarians, medical experts and public representatives and only when everyone signs the process, will the experiment be conducted? .

Update 16 December 2018



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