Is standing in front of the microwave safe to use?

A microwave has been a kitchen item for decades. It allows you to cook everything from frozen vegetables to packed meals in minutes.

A microwave has been a kitchen item for decades. It allows you to cook everything from frozen vegetables to packed meals in minutes. But perhaps there will be times when you wonder if it's safe to stand near such a microwave.

Do you really need to worry about this? The short answer is no !. Injury to microwave radiation is rare, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, there are certain precautions you may need to take to keep yourself safe when using a microwave.

Picture 1 of Is standing in front of the microwave safe to use?

Microwave ovens will not be dangerous if used properly.

According to the FDA report, microwaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation or energy waves traveling through space. Electromagnetic radiation comes in various forms, including radio waves, visible light, X-rays and gamma rays.

Microwaves, like radio waves, are a kind of "non-ionizing radiation" , meaning they do not have enough energy to knock electrons out of the atom. Therefore, microwaves are known not to damage the DNA inside cells.

By contrast, X-rays and gamma rays are classified as "ionizing radiation," a type that has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms and can damage cells and DNA.

Although microwaves do not pose the same health risks as X-rays, that does not mean they are risk free. Microwaves heat food by making water molecules vibrate, generating heat. In theory, microwaves can heat body tissues the same way they heat food and, to a great extent, microwaves can cause burns and cataracts. But these types of injuries are rare and often occur when people are exposed to large amounts of radiation leaking through holes in the furnace.

Moreover, the microwave must be designed in a certain way to prevent these types of leakage. Therefore, "there is little reason to worry" about the excess microwaves leaking out of your oven, unless the door hinge is damaged.

However, the FDA also recommends that we check the microwave carefully and do not use it if the door is not closed properly or if it is bent, buckled or damaged or should not be relied on or standing directly on. Microwave for a long time when it is operating.

  • How does the microwave work?
  • 5 false rumors about microwaves
Update 30 October 2019



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