Is the Egyptian pyramid built up from the inside out?

Contrary to the long-held concept, an English engineer claimed, the ancient Egyptian pyramids were rebuilt, inside and out.

Contrary to the long-held concept, an English engineer claimed, the ancient Egyptian pyramids were rebuilt, inside and out.

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For centuries, researchers have argued that ancient Egyptians built their pyramids by dragging heavy granite stones, on specially designed, steep slopes. . However, Peter James, an engineer from Newport (UK) construction company, said this was "impossible" because those slopes would need to be 400 meters long or too steep to bring giant rocks. Giant climbed.

Picture 1 of Is the Egyptian pyramid built up from the inside out?

Due to the many different types of pyramids built, the ancient Egyptians learned from the build errors in previous versions to build more solid versions later.Therefore, their low self needles are considered to be the pinnacle of the "trial and error" process.(Photo: Corbis)

James believes that, instead, the Egyptians built the inner core of the zigzag slope with lighter and smaller rocks, while the larger outer boulders were placed in place. thanks to scaffolding.

Engineer James explains: "If we look at pyramids from a builder's perspective, not an archaeological expert, we clearly see that the current hypotheses are completely meaningless. Just look. According to the prevailing hypotheses, to build pyramids with 2 million stones, the ancient Egyptians had to make a heavy stone every 3 minutes.

They were also unable to build pyramids thanks to the gentle slopes surrounding the exterior of the building, as such, in some cases, they must be bigger than the pyramids themselves. In addition, what happened to the steep banks once the pyramid construction was completed? ".

According to Mr. James, the ancient Egyptians built pyramids like a modern mason to build a house. They may have created the four corners of the pyramid first (like 4 corners of the house), then built 4 entrances in the center of the pyramid. Next, the Egyptians built burial rooms, using granite. Starting from the wall of the burial room, the Egyptians could build smaller and lighter rocky slopes along the zigzag lines around the structure, overlapping the stones in each layer.

Picture 2 of Is the Egyptian pyramid built up from the inside out?

Engineer Peter James said that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids from the inside out.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Heavy boulders can then be pulled onto gentle slopes on skis or placed on the outside by wooden scaffolding. The British engineer said that once the rest of the pyramid was built, the stones on the top would have to be placed in the right place from the outside, but fit into the whole structure like Lego puzzle pieces. .

Mr. James was very sure of his theory, for the reason that, when studying structures, he realized that no stone in the later pyramids had a thickness greater than 30 - 40cm. He added that his hypothesis could be demonstrated by radar and thermal cameras.

Update 18 December 2018



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