Japan successfully implanted liver cells for newborn patients

The National Center for Health and Child Development (NCCHD) in Tokyo on August 23 successfully implanted liver cells for a newborn boy.

Picture 1 of Japan successfully implanted liver cells for newborn patients This is the first time in Japan that a liver transplant for babies using cell technology has been successful.

NCCHD Hospital Director, Akira Matsui, said: 'We have performed safe regenerative medicine therapy using embryonic or pluripotent stem cells (iPS)'.

With cases of this type of rare world, this center has used some liver cells left after conducting 14 transplants during and after May 2011.

Boys with inadequate functioning liver were transplanted on August 10 when they were 11 days old and two days later, on August 13. After having stabilized his health, this boy could be discharged from the hospital within more than a month.