Japanese scientists have recently planned to build cells from multipurpose stem cells (iPS) - a type of cell that can transform into many different cellular organizations - in a

Each beat of this heart tissue is the same as true heart tissue.

In 2007, Japanese biologists Shinya Yamanaka and Kazutoshi Takahashi said somatic cells could produce stem cells.

In 1924, an eccentric biologist named JBS Haldane predicted that more than 70% of babies would be created from artificial wombs in 2074.

A group of scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School used adult skin cells to regenerate functional heart tissue.

US scientists are trying to develop human organs inside pigs by injecting human stem cells into pig embryos to produce pig embryos - humans.

This is the first time researchers have succeeded in converting pluripotent stem cells into beta pancreatic cells.

Scientists on December 11 said they had discovered a new stem cell could

The human eye is often likened to a camera and although it has a fairly basic design, the detailed structure of the eye is more complex than most advanced electronic devices today.

Artificial blood may replace donor blood in transfusions - researchers at the University of Edinburgh.