June 8: Titan Arum superhuman first hatches, discovering the brightest planet in the universe

June 8 in history: Inventing the vacuum cleaner, the world's largest flower blooming in the Zoo in the US, discovering the brightest supernatural universe.

June 8, 1937: The world's largest flower species Titan Arum first blooms at the NY Botanical Garden, USA

Sumatra Titan Arum is considered super flower in the plant world, it can be as high as 2.5m and has a diameter of up to 1.2m. This flower is cultivated in the New York Botanical Garden, USA. And for the first time a Titan Arum flower blossomed in 1937 here.

Picture 1 of June 8: Titan Arum superhuman first hatches, discovering the brightest planet in the universe

Another special thing is that when this flower blooms, a stench of scent like corpses emanates makes visitors extremely uncomfortable. Because of this special scent, Titan Arum is also known as "corpse flower" . It was discovered in nature since 1878 in a dense forest of Indonesia.

June 8, 1918: Discover the brightest supernova

In 1918, supernova Nova Aquila was discovered inside the constellation Aquila eagle . This is the brightest star in the sky that humans have ever observed. Its brightness is 500,000 times higher than the Sun, although it is 1200 light years away.

Picture 2 of June 8: Titan Arum superhuman first hatches, discovering the brightest planet in the universe

Supernovae are new and powerful stars. Therefore they emit a lot of energy and emit very large radiation. However, after only a short period of time, these stars will become more stable and become cooler. So was Nova Aquila, after just seven years it became a smaller blue star and no longer glowed as strongly as before.

June 8, 1869: Inventing a vacuum cleaner

In 1869, Ives W. McGaffney from Chicago received a patent for inventing the first vacuum cleaner in history. This first vacuum cleaner uses a simple, mechanical-based mechanism instead of using electricity.

Picture 3 of June 8: Titan Arum superhuman first hatches, discovering the brightest planet in the universe

The machine has a crank mount, connected by a belt to one end of the impeller. Turning the crank will make the propeller move at the other end and create a wind to suck the dirt inside a bag. Ives uses a foam filter to keep the dust in place, and the air continues to move.

Although the efficiency of the machine is not really high, it is the precursor to today's electric vacuum cleaners. A very useful device in the family, even scientists have built automatic vacuum cleaners, using sensors and cameras to automatically clean every corner of the house.