Latest findings about children's autism

American scientists at the University of Chicago in Illinois have discovered that close relatives of people with autism often have a discernible difference in how their eyes move - a finding that can help Doctors better diagnose and treat this disease.

Picture 1 of Latest findings about children's autism

Illustration.Source: Internet

The results of this study are published in the August issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.

Mr. Matthew Mosconi, a member of the research team, said that this difference is difficult to recognize in everyday life, but they show many elements of autism that are inherited.

He said: "What we hope is experiments on the movement of the eyes in order to identify groups of individuals or families that may be at risk for autism."

The team examined genetic traits in 57 parents or siblings of people with autism and compared these results with 40 people without relatives with the disease.

The results show that family members of people with autism have many abnormalities in communication and often have unusual behaviors.

Eye tests in previous studies have also shown brain involvement to a number of specific models in people with autism.

Autism is a developmental disorder of the nervous system that manifests a mental disorder. Children with autism who lack or have developmental delays in their ability to interact in society, cannot use language in social activities, do not understand symbolic images, and do not know what to expect. statue.

This disease usually manifests itself in children under three years of age. The child is separate from the reality and the surrounding environment.

A newborn does not show a clear disease, but from the 18th month onwards, parents and caregivers can clearly see the symptoms of the disease if the baby shows indifference, not paying attention to pulse activity. around, not responding to adult care with facial expressions, looks or smiles.

The cause of the disease so far has not been clearly defined, but it is predicted that it originates from factors such as biochemical disorders of the body, chromosomal deformities and some of the conditions need to be studied more.