Learn about tonsillitis and the right time to cut the tonsils

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, swelling, and pain that occur at any age. Usually, tonsils can go away without treatment. However, there are cases of complications of tonsils that cause discomfort to patients if they are not treated in the right direction and in a timely manner.

The tonsils are a meat-like structure - in fact lymph nodes - located on either side of the back of the throat.

The tonsils are the first defense system of the immune system and often purify the bacteria or viruses that want to enter the body through the nose or mouth. Tonsillitis usually occurs when an infection or vius becomes overload causing them to swell and become inflamed.

Causes of tonsillitis

  1. Staphylococci, streptococci, spirochete, anaerobic and anaerobic strains.
  2. Influenza virus, measles, whooping cough .
  3. Weather changes suddenly (sudden cold when rain, high humidity .) the bacteria and viruses available in the nose and throat become sick.
  4. Environmental pollution due to dust, gas, low living conditions, poor sanitation.
  5. Poor resistance, allergic location.
  6. There are infections in the throat, mouth such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, inflammation around wisdom teeth, sinusitis .
  7. Due to the anatomical structure of the tonsils, there are many gaps, niches, and niches which are the habitat, hide and development of bacteria.Moreover, the tonsils are located on the crossroads of the food and airways, the gateway for bacteria and viruses to enter.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Picture 1 of Learn about tonsillitis and the right time to cut the tonsils

Tonsillitis can occur at any age, but the most common is school age. The main signs of tonsillitis include:

  1. Sore throat
  2. The tonsils were swollen and red
  3. White patches in the tonsils
  4. Difficulty swallowing, swallowing pain
  5. Headache
  6. Fever
  7. Swelling of lymph nodes
  8. Laryngitis (an inflammation of the larynx, causing hoarseness)

The treatment of tonsillitis

At one point, doctors appointed surgery to remove tonsils for cases of re-inflamed tonsils, but now this designation is much less. Today, surgery is only indicated if other treatments are not effective.

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Tonsillitis is usually caused by a virus. Home-based care includes resting, gargling with warm salt water, using over-the-counter pain relievers and drinking plenty of water. Bacterial tonsillitis is usually treated with antibiotics.

If the infection is severe, untreated tonsillitis can cause the tonsils to swell excessively and may interfere with the altar. Pus from infected tonsils will accumulate in the surrounding soft tissues, causing sore throat and needing treatment to prevent their spread into the blood. Some groups of streptococcus can cause other serious complications such as nephritis or rheumatism.

As a rule, if a sore throat becomes worse, lasts more than 2 days or is accompanied by difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, you need to see a doctor immediately. Other warning signs to note are fever above 102 degrees F or 39 ° C, stiff neck or abdominal pain, vomiting.

To limit tonsillitis, we need to avoid risk factors for inflammation:

  1. Hygiene: keep the nose and throat warm, especially during the season, it is too cold.
  2. Avoid contact with polluted environments: dust, cigarette smoke .
  3. Avoid using foods that are too hot or cold.
  4. Cleaning in place: rinse throat after eating, morning - evening.

If you have acute tonsillitis

  1. Acute tonsillitis with 1 or 2 symptoms or many of the following symptoms: fever, fatigue, lymphadenopathy, difficulty swallowing, pain, difficulty eating, bad breath, spitting out sebum or pus.
  2. For common acute tonsillitis using oral antibiotics, it is possible to administer an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, topical throat medicine and vitamins.

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  1. No treatment or improper treatment can lead to complications of inflammation - abscess around tonsils, inflammation of the throat, abscess of the neck lymph nodes, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis . In the case of complications More expensive treatment and prolonged hospital stay for patients.

When do we need to remove tonsils and what should we do when cutting tonsils?

Cutting tonsils with tight indications. There are 3 basic indications

1. Recurrent Amidan inflammation: 5-7 times / year.

2. Tonsillitis has many complications in tonsils or whole body: inflammation - abscess around tonsils, inflammation - abscesses of the throat, rheumatism, neck lymph nodes .

3. Hypertensive tonsillitis affects swallowing function (difficulty swallowing, constant swallowing, breathing function (snoring, shortness of breath).

Picture 4 of Learn about tonsillitis and the right time to cut the tonsils

Usually, people proceed to cut the tonsils for patients when there is no acute inflammation of the tonsils as well as the whole body. The patients will be tested for blood parameters such as blood count, blood biochemistry, urine urine, cardiopulmonary scan, electrocardiogram and ear, nose and throat examination to ensure anesthetic conditions for tonsillectomy. Patients need to rest and use sedation in the evening before surgery.

Currently, along with the progress of anesthesia, anesthesia method, most hospitals perform endotracheal anesthesia to help patients avoid pain and psychological effects especially children. Current tonsillectomy facilities help to cut tonsils almost without bleeding. Some new and modern means of application such as ultrasonic scalpel, knife Coblator using radio waves, plasma peakblade scalpel to help cut tonsils almost without bleeding and reduce postoperative pain are very effective. The length of hospital stay after surgery is shortened only after 1-2 days after surgery.

Note when cutting tonsils

  1. Take the medication fully as prescribed.Reasonable rest, should take time off work, leave school for about a week to 10 days.Should lie high.By holding your head above your heart will help you reduce edema and swelling.Should use light foods, easy to digest.
  2. Adhere to the diet for 10 days, should eat soft, liquid, cold foods, do not eat sour.Hot and hard foods should be avoided as they can scratch and make bleeding.Drink plenty of water and avoid bleeding and avoid dehydration.
  3. Sometimes after surgery, vomiting may occur 1-2 times.If prolonged and vomiting many times, the treating doctor will give medication to regulate the stomach to help reduce vomiting.
  4. Should see a doctor in cases of persistent uncontrolled continuous bleeding from the nose or mouth, a fever of over 38.6 degrees Celsius lasts for a long time with plenty of fluids and adequate medication;persistent headache, no pain relief despite the use of analgesics;swelling, pain, increased edema, no relief even after taking prescription drugs.