Learning a foreign language helps the brain grow

Studying a new language can increase the size of some brain areas significantly, according to new research by Swedish experts.

That is the conclusion drawn from the study of rookie groups at the Translation Institute of the Swedish Army, fast-paced foreign language learners, from knowing nothing of languages ​​like Arabic, Russian. , to the extent that they can be used fluently within 13 months.

Picture 1 of Learning a foreign language helps the brain grow
Learning a foreign language is proven to increase brain growth

Experts from Lund University compared the above group with a group of college students who are also intensive but not in foreign languages, and found some specific parts of the brain of foreign language students who actually delivered development.

The increase in size is the hippocampus , a structure deep in the brain that is involved in learning as well as orientation, and three areas in the cortex.

'We are surprised to see the different parts of the brain develop at different levels based on the student's ability to express as well as the effort they spend to keep up with the course' , the Daily Science website quoted. Martensson expert.

Some previous studies have shown that Alzheimer's dementia usually occurs later than those who know more than one language.

The study also demonstrates that learning a new language is a good way to help the brain maintain its form over time.