Listening to music is a good therapy for the heart and lungs

According to research results recently conducted by Italian scientists, listening to music is considered a useful therapy to treat lung and cardiovascular diseases.

Picture 1 of Listening to music is a good therapy for the heart and lungs The team, led by cardiologist Lucianio Bernardi of Pavia University, conducted experiments on 24 volunteers, including professional musicians.

After giving these people an excerpt from the famous works of musician Beethoven, Verdi and Puccini, scientists conducted measurements of breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and blood flow in the brain and onto the heart.

After a period of research, scientists discovered the "resonance" between the heart and lungs for music: heart rate and breathing rate are proportional to the rhythm of the music.

According to Professor Bernardi, music creates changes that are continuous, powerful and predictable to the heart. However, it is not only the emotions in music that change the heart rate, but also the changes in the heart due to the effect of music that can produce new emotions.