Little is known about American prodigies making bombs since 11 years old

Nuclear science is no longer unfamiliar with the name Taylor Wilson, born in 1994. He is considered a prodigy when he can make chemical bombs in the laboratory from adolescence.

The prodigy Taylor Wilson knows how to build bombs since the age of 11 has now become the world's leading scientific communicator.

Nuclear science is no longer unfamiliar with the name Taylor Wilson , born in 1994. He is considered a prodigy when he can make chemical bombs in the laboratory from adolescence.

According to National Geographic, when Taylor was 11 years old, the boy knew that his grandmother, who was very close to him, was suffering from cancer of evil monsters (later died). She was the one who supported the boy into the scientific path and lent the garage as a laboratory. The boy asked for urine from the grandmother who was receiving chemotherapy against cancer to conduct research.

That same year, Taylor Wilson began searching for uranium mining and buying plutoniums online.

Picture 1 of Little is known about American prodigies making bombs since 11 years old

Taylor Wilson, born in 1994, is now a young man interested in nuclear research and cancer treatment.

Three years later he became the youngest man in the world to successfully build a nuclear fusion device.

However, many people do not know that his story is a good example of teaching people how to cultivate talent.

Imagine what your parents would do if you started bringing home dangerous materials when you were only 10-12 years old.

Taylor's parents do not do science. Kenneth, his father owns a Coca Cola bottling plant, and Tiffany Wilson, his mother is a Yoga trainer. Initially, their family lived in Arkansas, which specializes in poultry farming rather than applied physics.

When they discovered that their son had a special interest in research, they felt they were facing enormous challenges.

However, instead of protesting, his parents tried their best to help their children develop their talents.

They took him to education experts, consulted counselors and even traveled across the country to find a school that could support his son's development.

The Taylor family moved to Reno, Nevada, when he was 14 years old. Let him and his brother get the best education. They send their children to Davidson Academy on the campus of the University of Nevada, where Taylor has a private laboratory to conduct fusion research.

The most important thing that Taylor's parents have done is, teach him to believe that the boy can do anything.

And so far, the bomb prodigy at age 10 has become a 24-year-old who doesn't drink or smoke. This young man was interested in building a small, closed nuclear fission reactor and using nuclear weapons that had stopped working to provide energy, he also studied medical isotopes and related tools. Weight helps diagnose cancer.

Update 15 December 2018



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