Liver enzymes are high - a threat of Tet holiday

The habit of lifting glasses on Tet holiday is a risk factor for elevated liver enzymes. So how to prevent this risk to catch a happy New Year?

The habit of lifting glasses on Tet holiday is a risk factor for elevated liver enzymes. So how to prevent this risk to catch a happy New Year?

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Understand to prevent disease

The liver is a body's anti-toxic organ, all toxins entering the body are processed in the liver. Liver cells are always affected by toxic agents. Liver enzymes are an enzyme located in liver cells.

When liver cells die due to aging, there is an amount of liver enzymes released into the blood at concentrations below 40UI / L (this index is almost fixed in normal people). Normal liver enzymes have the following indicators: AST: 20 - 40 UI / L, ALT: 20 - 40 UI / L, GGT: 20 - 40UI / L, Alkaline phosphatase: 30 - 110 UI / L. When higher, these indicators are called high liver enzymes. For some reason such as drinking a lot of alcohol, virus infection, taking fever-reducing drugs, analgesics, lipid-lowering drugs . causes damaged liver cells to be damaged and released into the bloodstream. At that time, the test will see elevated liver enzymes.

Picture 1 of Liver enzymes are high - a threat of Tet holiday

Drinking a lot of alcohol is one of the causes of elevated liver enzymes

High liver enzymes reflect the condition of liver cells being damaged, the liver is inflamed. If liver enzymes increase slightly below 2 times, the patient has almost no symptoms, if not tested, it is not known.

At this stage, it is very dangerous to use a lot of alcohol because the amount of acetaldehyde is a poison produced when using beer, it will destroy liver cells very strongly, it is possible that massively damaged liver cells cause inflammation. acute liver, hepatic coma, life-threatening. On the other hand, elevated liver enzymes without treatment will lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

High AST and ALT index in liver enzymes is expected to decrease life expectancy, increase mortality rate from 21 to 78%. If AST index is doubled, it will increase the risk of death by 32%, if more than doubled, the risk of death will be up to 78%. When the ALT level is doubled, there is a 21% increased risk of death and when doubled, the risk will be 59%.

Prevention and treatment of high liver enzymes

Good protection of the liver by adopting a healthy and rational diet, limiting the use of alcohol, and strengthening physical training and sports will help prevent abnormalities of liver enzymes.

When detecting elevated liver enzymes, special attention should be paid to nutrition, living and resting regime as it plays an important role in helping liver cells quickly recover and regenerate, enhance immune function, and promote restore liver function.

Add foods rich in vitamin A (cow's milk, animal liver, carrots, chives, leeks, cabbage), vitamin B1 (prices, fruits, beans, peanuts, green vegetables), vitamin B2 (millet , soy, eggs, milk), foods high in protein (lean meat, fish). Need to abstain from alcohol, beer and alcoholic beverages, do not smoke, pipe tobacco, do not eat skin, animal fat, sugary, high-fat foods, avoid hot spicy spices. There should be a reasonable rest, gentle exercise, should not stay up late, should not do heavy work.

In addition, there are many herbs that are effective in protecting the liver, detoxifying the liver and lowering liver enzymes, which are useful for men who often use beer and wine.

Update 15 December 2018



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