Lobster changes color

A lobster with a two-color shell discovered in the UK 4 years ago has a new color-changing shell.

>>>Very rare two-color lobster

Picture 1 of Lobster changes color
Lobster Harley Quinn (middle) has a blue and yellow shell.The two old shells of previous Harley Quinn (both sides) are retained and preserved by experts.(Photo: Mercury Press)

In 2010, two-colored shellfish was discovered by fishermen in Bridlington, East Yorkshire county, England. It is called the shrimp Harley Quinn . At this time, shrimp shell Harley Quinn has two separate colors, one is red black and one is yellow sand.

According to Mirror, the lobster is then put into farming at Scarborough Sea Life Center. During the development process, the color change of Harley Quinn's shell surprised the researchers. After molting, the shell of Harley Quinn is now half blue.

Experts said the mutation caused lobsters to have strange colors like green, red, albino or even gold. However, the shrimp Harley Quinn has a separate two-color shell is a rare case. Only about one in every 50 million shrimp will have this special shell. The difference can help shrimp distract predators and avoid the risk of attack by eels or seals.