Look at the edge and see this, it's a sign your body is

The body is a perfect machine, but any problems will be revealed through many different signs.

Many scientists liken the human body to a magical machine. Each part may be defective, but the whole is a perfect system.

And to operate such a machine, we will need many nutrients and minerals suitable for fuel. However, any deficiency of vitamins or minerals causes problems in the body, and it will be exposed through many external signs.

The problem is, these signs can be very uncomfortable, causing extreme pain, like the one in the picture below.

Picture 1 of Look at the edge and see this, it's a sign your body is
The sides of his mouth in the picture had many cracks.

As can be seen, the sides of the mouth of the person in the picture have many cracks (of course it is very painful). This disease is called " Acne cheilitis " - Angular Cheilitis, or folk is called " Perleche " , and it can happen to anyone, at any age.

Mouth cracked - signs of not being good for the body

There are quite a few reasons why the edges are formed. It may be due to mistaken biting, but it is most likely due to the body's lack of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B, iron and zinc.

Basically, the edge happens because the fungus and bacteria from the saliva are stuck in the corner of the mouth for too long . Meanwhile, the lack of these vitamins causes the immune system to decline, making the body more susceptible to infection. Not to mention, vitamin B deficiency also causes dry mouth - creating conditions for the developmental edge.

The edge is also a common phenomenon in winter - the time when humidity in the air is low. If you don't provide enough water, your body starts to show signs of resistance, most notably cracked lips. Then the habit of licking lips will make bacteria trapped in fissures, forming an edge.

Not cleaning the mouth after eating is also an important cause. Bacteria from food that surround the mouth, if not washed, can cause extremely irritating infections.

Picture 2 of Look at the edge and see this, it's a sign your body is
Immediately happens because the fungus and bacteria from saliva are stuck in the corner of the mouth for too long.

And finally, some dangerous diseases also contribute to the edge such as diabetes, infection with immunodeficiency virus .

How to handle this weird disease

The edge is not a serious illness, but can cause extremely painful pain, making you eat nothing. So, to be comfortable eating the whole world soon, you need to treat it properly.

First is your diet.Limit hot spicy foods , increase tofu and green vegetables such as mustard, spinach (spinach). They will help you get the vitamins and iron and zinc needed.

Next, though very uncomfortable, absolutely not to lick your lips , because this only makes your mouth ragged. If you feel too uncomfortable, drink plenty of water to keep your lips moist. And if you like to use moisturizer, you need to apply the anti-fungal cream, kill bacteria.

Finally, if the edge lasts too long, you should consider going to a doctor to get a more accurate diagnosis.