Loss of perception with music

Music lovers will not understand why there are people who do not vibrate in the melodious world .

Picture 1 of Loss of perception with music
There are people who lose their sense of music - (Photo: AFP)

Researchers in Barcelona (Spain) have even thought of the name for this situation as 'special loss of musical pleasure'.

The word 'special' means that these people still find pleasure from other things, except music, according to NPR.

The above case is not the same as those who suffer from 'blindness of music' , only individuals who cannot distinguish the low pitch of the note, or cannot sing along the simplest songs.

For people who are "music", they know the melody of being happy when listening, but there is no feeling of the melody.

To draw that conclusion, the researchers measured the heart rate and conductivity of the skin for those who expressed that they had no sense of music before , and found that their bodies did not change or vibrate at all. The song conveys high emotions.

According to statistics, about 5% of the population falls into this category.