Love from a scientific perspective

At first, the view of science about love is still ambiguous. But scientists soon realized the nature and origin of love.

Love nouns exist a lot in context: there is mother love, family love, romantic love, physical love, and more open love for comrades and love for the prophet. Culturally there are about 10 or more different forms of love, a poet or a musician always finds many diverse aspects of love to worship, praise.

At first, the view of science about love is still ambiguous. But scientists soon realized the nature and origin of love. We can look inside the human brain and examine the mechanism of biotransformation and activity throughout the process of developing love, exploring the experiences of a loved body, studying doing so. We choose partners, win love, and understand the roots of love.

Love passionately

So what makes us fall into a state of stupidity and frustration when someone falls in love.

In the brain, romantic love shows the cause of mild dementia or pain from forced disorders that haunt us. Studies show that when we first fall out of love, serotonin increases and the brain's cognitive center will be filled with dopamine. That leads to the same as the drug addict, creating a strong relationship in our mind between pleasure and pleasure with objects giving us a feeling of affection and that means creating desire in behavior. Our behavior.

Desire is controlled by sex hormones, like male sex hormones, which is the first thing that upsets, creating excitement.

Other hormones such as Oxytocin and Vasopressin, stimulate and then appear to be crucial to the formation of long-term emotional relationships. Couples who have lived together for many years often show increased brain activity in relation to these chemical conditions. Oxytocin is produced when couples have sex and touch, kiss, and sex together - hormones make us believe in each other, helping to overcome our fear of society and more important is emotional attachment.

The brain will consider people when they love like the old adage 'Love is blind'. While controlled stimulants create interest, that means social prejudices, taboos will become ineffective.

Picture 1 of Love from a scientific perspective

Chemistry with physical love

Making the right choice when finding yourself a true love is the most important job in life, so how do we find a partner?

Many factors combined to make us want a talented mate. There is an obvious thing like psychological balance and a beautiful skin - that shows a healthy body, no disease and a good genetic hereditary. The woman looks for a tall, muscular, well-groomed, healthy and socially-positioned man. The man is interested in young women with a balanced body and not too tall.

But beauty also has its price. Researchers suggest that people are more likely to be attracted to other people of the same gender. And that creates slight confusion. Fragrance also plays a very clear role, people are often attracted by the fragrance that affects the immune system (MHC). A partner with another MHC can create a healthy generation of offspring. And those with the same MHC often prefer the same aromatherapy oil.

Compared to animals such as birds, and even mice, they search for partners with cries or expressions of attractive movements. People are smarter with expensive gifts. Building a relationship can make you more interested in finding a partner.

There are a few rarer factors - women's attraction and voice can fluctuate with the level of stimulation and the menstrual cycle. As a result, taking a pill can prevent a woman's desire to choose a partner.

The development of love

The various aspects of love can have the same development, so what do scientists look for? Maybe start from mother love. Biologically it belongs to the perfect senses. In animals, what keeps them alive longer? Bone is an essential part of the genetic process from the mother's gene to the next generation.

Once again Oxytocin plays an important role in bone development between mother and child. Another hormone, Prolactin, can stimulate the development of animals' parenthood.

Unlike mother's love, this is very rare in mammals. Usually less than 5%, and there is really no clear explanation to help find out why sometimes this happens. Do not expect that monogamous relationships are only found in birds.

And love has no limitations to create a relationship between men and women. Although homosexual relationships have many different ways, they will be the glue that binds society together.

Broken heart

Unfortunately, the path to love is not always sweet. Happiness, a state of stupidity, joy, and a state of contentment always come with jealousy, envy, pessimism, and hatred.

Fallen love can be fictionalized by people who focus on finding an ideal wife (or husband). That leads to many people who may fall into a deep frustration when abandoned by someone who has ever loved.

The feeling of pain is greater when the brain center is active with higher stimulation of Dopamine. There is a paradox when we are disappointed, it is difficult for us to feel love again. First we try to fight to regain love. Panic also excites when we feel something is about to disappear.

After that, love becomes angry and hatred, now stimulants that explode in the brain create anger. Finally, when those who are afflicted by their fate, they often fall into frustration and depression that lasts for the following days.

These negative states can generate many things from haunting and hysterical rebellion and even killing your lover. While such behaviors can be analyzed in the form of psychiatry and perhaps that is unlikely. The shock of emotions can be similar to the obsessive-compulsive disorder, but in some people, love can be something so terrible now.

The opportunity to achieve successful relationships seems unpredictable, but one study suggests that genetically, divorce cases may be somewhat anticipated. There have been mathematical formulas that help predict the likelihood of divorce and asset division for fairness.

Update 18 December 2018



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