Make electricity from falling rain drops

Exceeding more than 8,600 projects, 18-year-old Ceren Burcak Dag has just won the Stockholm Prize for Water for Students at the World Water Week 2009 conference in Stockholm (Sweden).

Overcoming over 8,600 exam projects, 18-year-old Ceren Burcak Dag (Turkey) just won the Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) at the World Water Week conference 2009 takes place in Stockholm (Sweden).

With the initiative to generate electricity from falling rain drops, Dag was awarded a $ 5,000 reward and a teardrop-shaped crystal statue.

Picture 1 of Make electricity from falling rain drops

Ceren Burcak Dag won the Stockholm Prize for Water for the 2009 Student Age (Photo: SIWI)

SJWP is the world's most prestigious award for science-related projects for young people aged 15-20 years. The award is managed by the Stockholm Water Foundation and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).

Dag's work involves the piezoelectric effect, in which energy is generated when the temperature changes or due to mechanical pressure. Dag uses PVDF material to find ways to change the energy of raindrops falling into electricity.

The organizers appreciate Dag's efforts to find solutions to issues related to global climate change.

At the awards ceremony on the evening of August 18, Dag said: "I hope my work will contribute to the development of the next generation of energy channels when rain, sunshine and wind are combined. ".

The SJWP competition in 2009 attracted the participation of 29 countries around the world. These are students who won the SJWP competition in the country and were invited to Stockholm for World Water Week. The representative of Vietnam is three female 11th graders specialized in Thai Nguyen specialized high school.

In addition to Dag's award, two other young people, Emily Elhacham (Israel) and Mary Zhao (Canada), were awarded a certificate of excellence.

Update 15 December 2018



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