Make lifestyle changes to combat gastroesophageal reflux disease

When you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, many people will experience heartburn, bloating, and do not dare to eat anything else.

Gastroesophageal reflux, also known as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), is a chronic disorder of the lower esophageal sphincter that causes gastric contents, including food, digestive enzymes, to rise up into the esophagus, causing inflammation. and lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract.

Gastroesophageal reflux is an acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus. This symptom can cause heartburn, flatulence, indigestion, gastrointestinal distress . The cause of the disease usually comes from spasms of the lower esophagus, causing weakness or internal damage.

The disease can cause esophagitis, esophageal stenosis, esophageal adenocarcinoma, asthma, chronic laryngitis, tooth decay, chronic sinusitis, recurrent otitis media .

Picture 1 of Make lifestyle changes to combat gastroesophageal reflux disease
When faced with this situation, the foods you eat will cause a small amount of acid.

The lower esophagus, meanwhile, is a place that prevents stomach food from moving into the esophagus. When faced with this situation, the foods you eat will cause a small amount of acid. To limit the risk of worsening the disease, you should pay attention to some rules when eating and choosing foods that are right for a person with stomach reflux.

2 important rules when eating and drinking that people with gastric reflux should pay attention:

  1. Limit foods that are high in acid content and easily irritate the lower esophagus, such as citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines), carbonated drinks, hot and spicy foods, etc.
  2. Choose foods that can neutralize acids like bread, oatmeal, and digestible proteins, etc.These foods can help avoid stomach acid erosion and reduce the risk of esophageal spasm. below.

How to treat gastric esophageal reflux


Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the main medications used to reduce stomach acid secretion. PPI initiation regimens with an attack dose of 4 to 8 weeks are followed by maintenance therapy at a reduced dose. In addition, the doctor will use other drugs such as H2 receptor inhibitors, Alginate in combination with some motor aids such as Domperidone, Methochlopramide .


When medical treatment is unsuccessful and complicated, the doctor will order surgery.

Traditional medicine

Depending on the disease of the patient, the pharmacist will use the herbs in the group of aeration, disinfectants, air-conditioning, and spleen in combination with the disease. The most commonly used remedies such as dispersed pepper, semi-lower post-ladder regimen.

Picture 2 of Make lifestyle changes to combat gastroesophageal reflux disease
People with gastroesophageal reflux disease often have a burning sensation spread along the throat.(Photo: Medical News Today).


There are many treatments such as magnets, thread implants, complete atria. The points commonly used are central, Dan Trung, introspection, su tam tam, Thai pulse, public religion, tron ​​ton, the divine, sympathetic, spleen, taste .


Patients can relax and reduce stress with nourishing breathing exercises.

Living mode

Patients should lose weight if obese, do not smoke, avoid late-night dinners (eat 2-3 hours before bed), avoid lying down immediately after eating, raise the head of the bed when sleeping. Limit spicy and sour foods, fried oily foods, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and not drinking water with meals. Relaxation and stress reduction are important factors in treating disease.

According to Dr. Nhi, gastro esophageal reflux should be carefully examined by the doctor to make a combination treatment regimen of living regime to avoid recurrence. When symptoms of dysphagia, painful swallowing, hoarseness, vomiting of blood, suffocation, nocturnal dyspnea, weight loss are required, immediately go to the hospital for examination and laboratory tests.

Foods suitable for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease:


People with gastroesophageal reflux disease should only eat egg whites, not eat them together with the yolks. Because the yolk is high in fat, it is easy to stimulate the stomach to produce more acid, which in turn leads to stomach reflux.

Bread, oatmeal

Picture 3 of Make lifestyle changes to combat gastroesophageal reflux disease

This is a whole grain that contains a good source of fiber. At the same time, it can absorb acid in the stomach and alleviate symptoms of reflux from the inside.

Kinds of bean

Peas, chickpeas, red beans . are all foods that contain a large amount of fiber, which will help greatly in reducing the risk of continued stomach reflux.


Lean meats like chicken, fish, etc. contain very little fat, thus reducing the risk of stomach reflux. However, you should pay attention to the method of baking, boiling, instead of frying, frying so as not to produce more acid in the stomach.

Picture 4 of Make lifestyle changes to combat gastroesophageal reflux disease


Yogurt, which is rich in probiotics, helps promote good digestion. Therefore, people with gastroesophageal reflux disease should eat 1 cup of yogurt daily to improve the digestive status.


Walnuts, almonds, macadamia . are all good sources of healthy fat. When you add it will reduce the amount of saturated and trans fat inside. As a result, stomach reflux will no longer appear and harm your health.


During the time when you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, you should actively eat a lot of green vegetables to gain abundant fiber and help reduce the condition in the body.

  1. How to prevent stomach acid reflux
  2. How does stomach reflux make children grow retarded?