4 frightening consequences of eating at night without your knowledge

Eating the night can be fat - this is well known! But besides, other implications are enough to make us all startled.

Phàm is a person, who does not have the time to resist it and walks into the refrigerator at night. Knowing that it will gain some weight, but at that time no one paid attention to it.

However, maybe later you should think again before "stuffing" anything after 10pm. The reason is that eating night not only makes you fat, but also brings many other implications to the body, sometimes you have never heard of.

1. Eating at night seriously affects memory

According to a study from the University of California (USA), night eating negatively affects the ability of the brain to form memories and cognitive abilities.

Experts performed experiments on 2 groups of mice within 2 weeks. One group had a normal diet, the other group regularly ate.

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Eat at night damaging your memory.

Two groups of mice then took part in a test of distinguishing new and old objects in the barn. As a result, the group of nocturnal mice was significantly worse, and the long-term memory was seriously damaged.

2. The risk of heart disease is higher

There have been many studies showing that eating late in the day increases the risk of heart disease.

An example is the study of Dokuz Eylül University (Turkey). Of the 700 adults who participated in the study, they found that the late eating habits greatly affected blood pressure. In particular, eating 2 hours before going to bed will cause more severe impacts.

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Eating late in the day increases your risk of heart disease.

Dr Ebru Özpelit, a professor of cardiology at Dokuz Eylül University, said: "We should have an ideal eating frequency, because the way we eat is very influential. Breakfast is important, so is lunch. But dinner should be less, and should not be eaten late after 7pm .

3. Easy to cause stomach reflux

Eating at night - especially indigestion foods is one of the causes of stomach reflux when sleeping.

Usually, our stomach needs several hours to digest."But when you eat and go to bed, acid secretions can get into the esophagus, causing reflux," said Jamie Kourman, a therapist in New York.

In addition, Koufman said that medications used to treat reflux often do not work in this case, and leave some unwanted side effects.

4. You will eat out of control the next day

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One of the reasons you gain weight when eating at night is to feel hungry when you wake up.

One of the reasons you gain weight when eating at night is to feel hungry when you wake up . You will feel more hungry, lead to more eating and weight gain.

Specifically, when eating at night, the amount of insulin in the blood will increase. But in exchange, ghrelin - the hormone that stimulates hunger also produces more.

Normal ghrelin is secreted by the body from 8pm - 8am the next morning. This process is still normal even when you eat at night, so you will be much more hungry than usual when you wake up.