Many flowers in Europe are disappearing with bees

Many bees and the flowers they pollinate have diminished biodiversity in many European countries, especially in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands for the past 25 years. According to the study of University of Leeds (UK), since 1980 until now, the number of bees in the continent

Many bees and the flowers they pollinate have diminished biodiversity in many European countries, especially in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands for the past 25 years. According to research by University of Leeds (UK), since 1980 until now, the number of bees in this continent has decreased by 80% and this rate in pollinated flowers is 70%.

Picture 1 of Many flowers in Europe are disappearing with bees

Climate and habitat change plus misuse of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural farming are factors that can lead to this decline.'We are stunned by the fact that plants and bees reduce biodiversity. If this situation is also happening elsewhere, 'pollination services' that have so far been overlooked could jeopardize and affect the future of many other crop species' , Dr. Koos Biesmeijer The research leader said.

The study suggests that the decline in the number of pollinated bees will not cause much damage if compensated by the growth in numbers in other pollinators. Researchers believe it is too early to conclude that the population of bees will decline, leading to a decline in plant species or vice versa. Whatever the cause, diversity degradation in some species may result in a ' local ' extinction in other related species.


Update 16 December 2018



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