Meet the Bigfoot monster family in the American National Park?

Monster family

The family of "Bigfoot" monsters has just been discovered walking around Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA.

According to RT, the video was shot on Christmas day. Although it is a poor quality video, viewers can see many strange creatures.

The video starts with two mysterious creatures sitting down. After that, 4 other creatures approached and sat together.

Picture 1 of Meet the Bigfoot monster family in the American National Park?

Is this Bigfoot or just a group of tourists?

Youtube account called Bahinko posted videos and wrote captions : "This video is definitely fuzzy, but look closely and you'll still see what's going on. You can see them interacting with each other, using appointments. pointing and pointing things, even patting each other's backs. "

The video has attracted nearly 20,000 views. Many people believe that this is Bigfoot. They commented that the video was "very attractive, wonderful and real".

Others doubt the video, saying it is simply a group of tourists or skiers. A YouTube user even wrote "filthy filming footage".

Many people claim to have seen Bigfoot at many locations around the world, mostly in the United States. Bigfoot is described as a hairy giant ape-like creature . They stand up straight and stand 1.8 to 3m high.

Update 18 December 2018



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