Men are more adorable when stressed

It is thought that when stressed, the weaker sex will turn to social relationships to relieve stress, while men will become more aggressive and irritable. However, a recent study confirms that it is probably not the standard psychological pattern for two sexes.

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In fact, men who are stressed tend to be more likely to trust others. Even if they will behave reliably and are willing to share what they have with others, LiveScience said.

This is in contrast to previous studies, as well as social prejudice that in general, when stressed, strong or behaved 'like to fight' , more aggressive, more agitated, while sending Weakness tends to 'make friends' and gather with friends.

Picture 1 of Men are more adorable when stressed
When stressed, men behave more openly and generously.

'We believe that many men who are stressed still tend to make friends and gather like women, ' said Bernadette von Dawans of the University of Freiburg (Germany). Dawans' research has just been published in the May 16 issue of Psychological Science.

Earlier, the Dawans' group checked the reaction of the University of Zurich's 67 male students to stress. About half of them were challenged by speaking in public or having to complete a very difficult math test. The rest are assigned much easier tasks, absolutely no stress. After that, both groups were allowed to play games of trust and sharing, bet with a group of other volunteers. These games are to check how many candidates trust their partners, they choose to trust or betray their partners, share money or hug money alone.

During the experiment, experts monitored the heart rate and the concentration of stress hormones cortisol in volunteers.

The results show that, in fact, stress motivates men to behave more kindly and generously. The higher the heart rate and cortisol concentration, the more likely the candidates to show credible, trusting and generous actions in the games. In other words, stress makes men become friendly, easier to make friends.

At the same time, there is no difference in the attitude between the stressed group and the relaxed mental group.'Research results do not allow direct comparison of stress response mechanisms for men and women, as we only conduct surveys in men. However, there is a clear fact that the tendency of openness and gentleness is not the monopoly 's monopoly , ' the team concluded.