Menopause is caused by 'gene war'.

Scientists claim that the menopause and accompanying unpleasant symptoms are the result of the "genetic battle" between the DNA that women inherited from their mothers and DNA she received from her father.

According to new research by British and Japanese scientists, a group of genes inherited from the mother wants women to continue to give birth, while the genetic group from her father wants her to stop working. Consequently, hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and other symptoms associated with menopause.

The team claims that their work stems from a widely supported view that menopause in women has evolved as a way to prevent our ancestors from continuing to interfere when they are still young enough to support the care of children of younger relatives, living close by . This will help them protect their genetic lineage, by encircling their children and their relatives in love and concern, when not experiencing the pain of continuing to give birth.

Picture 1 of Menopause is caused by 'gene war'.
The age at which menopause begins on average is between 45 and 55 years.(Artwork: Health News)

Researchers explain that, over time, women tend to leave their families and move to live with their husbands' families after marriage. This means that their children are more closely connected with those around them, having relatives with their father than with their mothers. Therefore, the genes that a daughter inherits from her father, to her adult stage, will prevent her from giving birth to her own children, so she can take care of her young relatives around her.

However, the daughter DNA she received from her mother wanted her to give birth to more babies, to help ensure that her mother's genes continued to be inherited."Genetic genes from fathers promote early menopause in women, while genes inherited from the mother try to stop this process," said Dr. Francisco Ubeda, a researcher from the University of London. (UK) emphasized.

The research team found that better understanding of related genes could lead to the creation of a type of test that predicts how much time a woman has to start getting married and giving birth to a baby. . According to them, one of the most useful ways today is to look at the age of the mother's menopause.

Statistics show that the average age for a woman to start the menopause (when their ovaries stop producing an egg every 4 weeks) is between 45 and 55 years, although Many women can enter this period earlier, when they are only 30 - 40 years old.