Mexico's strongest volcano exploded

Mexico's most active volcano on Monday emitted a loud bang and a 7,000 meter tall ash column eruption, the National Disaster Prevention Center said.

Picture 1 of Mexico's strongest volcano exploded
The Popocatepetl volcano awakens the spray of dust and smoke up to 7 km.

Xinhua said the Popocatepetl volcano produced a loud explosion at noon yesterday. The explosion caused the ground to shake and spray 7km of dust and smoke into the air.

Popocatepetl volcano is located 60km southeast of Mexico City. The dust of this eruption can be seen clearly from Mexico City and from the neighboring cities of the states of Puebla, Morelos.

The explosion caused people to evacuate the volcanic area within a 12km radius. Officials said there was no information about the damage or the injured.

Popocatepetl volcano 5.452m high, located on the volcanic belt through Mexico. The most recent eruption of this volcano in December 2000 left 30,000 people evacuated.