Microsoft: does not delay Vista release time

Microsoft has agreed to make some changes in the Windows Vista operating system to please European Community (EU) leaders. Although some changes have to be made, Microsoft says that Vista's release time is still in jeopardy

' We agree to make some changes in the operating system to meet the terms of the European Community .'

Microsoft has agreed to make some changes in the Windows Vista operating system to please European Community (EU) leaders. While some changes have to be made, Microsoft says that Vista's release time will remain the same as planned.

In the past, Microsoft threatened to release late into Europe when it was accused of violating antitrust laws in European competition law. Stress has been resolved in the way Microsoft calls 'through constructive dialogues' about competition law.

Picture 1 of Microsoft: does not delay Vista release time
European courts are still considering Microsoft's appeal against a fine of two and a half years ago. At that time Microsoft was sued for violating antitrust laws by providing desktop operating systems with server solutions and entertainment software to enhance its competitive position in the consumer market.

The European Commission further explained that Microsoft will create unfair improvements in the security software market when using some Vista building components.

Microsoft agreed to make some changes in Windows Vista as required by the EU competition law. The company also has a successful dialogue about competition law in Korea, a potential market, increasingly interested in Microsoft 's business operations. The company expects to release Vista to this country in accordance with the plan.

November to Microsoft will release a business version. The other consumer version is in January next year.

' We are delighted to bring enhanced and more innovative new unique security features in Windows Vista to consumers and business partners around the world. We are also being asked to join local laws in these places, 'said Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, in a recent speech.


Update 13 December 2018



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