Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.

A strange blue comet system suddenly flies around a star just like the Sun is curious.

Picture 1 of Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.
Accordingly, this blue ice comet may be the remaining piece of space material after a distant planet formation.(Image source: Dailymail).

Picture 2 of Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.
The strange phenomenon was discovered recently by scientists at the University of Cambridge through the ALMA telescope, ChiLe.(Image source: Dailymail).

Picture 3 of Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.
What is special is that this blue ice comet flies around a red star, looking exactly like the Sun.(Image source: Dailymail).

Picture 4 of Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.
An image taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) telescope shows the comet dust rings around the star exactly like the Sun.(Image source: Dailymail).

Picture 5 of Miraculously blue ice comets fly around the star like the Sun.
This blue ice comet continues to provide clues to a deeper study of how the solar energy system formed in the past.(Image source: Dailymail).