Miraculously twins are born 24 hours apart

Two boys in Boston (USA) were called 'miraculous twins' after being born 24 hours apart.

Picture 1 of Miraculously twins are born 24 hours apart
Miraculous twins - (Photo: YouTube)

ABC America has just broadcast a program about a rare twin.

Accordingly, two boys named Alexandre and Ronaldo were born at Tufts Medical Center (USA) when the mother of Lindalva, 35, had new abdominal pain in the 24th week of pregnancy.

At 745 grams, Alexandre weighs only one third of his brother Ronaldo.

Ms. Lindalva said the body size of Alexandre's baby only fit in her husband's palm, making people worried about her survival.

Doctors say the twins' survival rate is 50%, according to the Boston Globe.

Both babies are still kept in glass cages, but the couple Lindalva hopes to welcome them home later this month.