Mobile security equipment scans the entire aircraft

A Romanian company has developed a portable X-ray scanner, which scans the entire body of the aircraft and detects a weapon or suspicious item quickly.

Portable X-ray scanners scan the entire plane

The device is called Roboscan 2M Aeria , developed by MB Telecom of Romania. It uses a cone-shaped beam of radiation to sweep along the fuselage and to see the smallest inside, including the filament.

Picture 1 of Mobile security equipment scans the entire aircraft
Aeria scanner model. Graphic: MB Telecom

According to The Times, Aeria is priced at $ 3.2 million. Recently, it was launched to test cargo trucks on the Eastern European border. As a result, it detected a truck carrying 76,000 cigarettes.

On the company's Web site, MB claims Aeria "is the leading solution for aviation security testing. " It can scan a variety of aircraft , from small private aircraft to commercial aircraft. average size.

MB noted that while passengers and luggage were subjected to stringent inspections, the aircraft was not checked, especially aircraft departing from small private airports without security.

This device will enhance aviation security at any airport, as it only takes 20 minutes to scan the entire aircraft. Employees sitting inside the truck, will control the sweep device on the crane. The plane is pulled forward by a battery-powered tugboat, passing through the detector. Then, the scanner will emit X rays, forming cone-shaped beams, sweeping along the plane.

Picture 2 of Mobile security equipment scans the entire aircraft
The scanner can see microwaves, such as the filament bulb inside the aircraft. (Photo: MB Telecom)

However, it is still being studied, fearing that radiation rays endanger passengers. In addition, according to current regulations, some parts of the aircraft, such as the body and wings, are not allowed to be inspected.