Monkey got a teddy bear as a mother

A newborn monkey abandoned by his mother at London Zoo, England, has found comfort from his new mother - a big teddy bear.

Picture 1 of Monkey got a teddy bear as a mother

(Photo: ABC News)

Just 3 weeks old, Conchita, the endangered monkey, has become the last hope for its race. It was the second white-necked monkey born in England, so when his mother Leonie abandoned after a difficult delivery, the caregivers had to work very hard to maintain Conchita's life.

Finally, Andrea Payne zoo staff came up with an initiative to introduce a big teddy bear to comfort Conchita. The monkey has become close to his new mother and is always cuddling and cuddling with a stuffed animal.

"The white monkey is one of the most endangered primates in the world. The birth of Conchita is extremely important and we must make sure that the animal will survive and be healthy," said the Director. zoo Malcolm Fitzpatrick confirmed.