Mother penguins drop eggs, the whole herd rushes to the rescue

Hordes of emperor penguins rushed to save the dropped egg to prevent broken eggs in the ice in the Laohutan Penguin Breeding Center in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China

When the mother bird clumsily loses eggs, 6 males work to prevent the eggs from breaking at the breeding center in China.

They rushed to save the dropped egg to prevent broken eggs in the ice in the Laohutan Penguin Breeding Center in Dalian, Liaoning Province, northeastern China, Long Room reported yesterday. For the first time as a mother, the female bird accidentally dropped the egg while transmitting it to her lover. An experienced male penguin was lucky enough to catch the egg with his stomach after much effort.

Picture 1 of Mother penguins drop eggs, the whole herd rushes to the rescue

Flock of emperor penguins rushed to save the dropped egg to prevent broken eggs.

According to the center, the mother penguins spawn on June 18. It was the first egg laid at the center this year. Fang Yu, the center's staff member, said the birds careers were watching the situation at the time."If the penguins don't save the eggs, our team is ready to intervene and incubate the eggs with an artificial incubator," Fang said.

As soon as the eggs fall, 6 male emperor penguins surround, trying to help. Surveillance cameras capture the moment when penguins bump into each other while rushing to follow the egg.

Emperor penguins are the largest of the 18 penguin species. Females lay only one egg each year. Eggs are usually delivered to brooders for 60 to 68 days. The Laohutan penguin breeding center has 6 eggs laid and hatched here this month. They hope eggs will hatch in 2 - 3 months.

Update 16 December 2018



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