Mysterious legend about Hanging Gardens of Babylon

An architecture listed as a masterpiece of mankind is always associated with the name of a woman, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Semiramis Hanging Gardens). Babylon's hanging gardens and Babylon's walls (now Iraq) were once considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. They are thought to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar II from around 600 BC.

Babylon's Hanging Gardens are recorded in numerous documents by Greek historians such as Strabo and Diodorus Siculus , but otherwise there is little evidence of their presence. In fact, there is no record of Babylonia about the existence of such gardens.

Picture 1 of Mysterious legend about Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The entire architectural system around the Hanging Gardens

Some (details) evidence gathered when excavating the palace in Babylon shows, but it does not fully prove that it resembles descriptions. Some schools of thought over time may have confused its place with the gardens that existed in Nineveh and the discovery of the stones proving its existence was found. The texts on those stones describe the possibility of using something similar to an Archimedes screw pump to bring water to the required height.

Hanging gardens may not really be "hanging" in the sense that it is hung up by wires. Its name derives from the incorrect translation of the kremastos in Greek or pensilis in Latin, which not only means "hanging" but "protruding above," as is the case for a good terrace. a balcony.

Called the Hanging Gardens because the upper garden consists of 4 floors built of stone into a Zicgurat-like steam tower which is a very popular jerky tower in Mesopotamia architecture.

The bottom floor of the garden is a square of 246m * 246m - located on a 25 * 25 column system. The second floor is a square of 21 * 21 columns, the third floor 17 * 17 columns on the top floor 13 * 13 columns with the dimensions of 123m * 123m. On each level is a flat garden built with 5m long 1.2m wide blocks placed on thick walls. On these slabs of stone covered with a bit of asphalt reed, a layer of stone sliced ​​with two layers of fired brick, on this layer is a lead plate so that the water does not penetrate downstairs.

Picture 2 of Mysterious legend about Hanging Gardens of Babylon

At the top is a thick layer of soil to grow large trees.Watering and caring for this garden is a big problem, which is quite good here.

According to archaeologists, the water was taken from the river by a bucket system of continuous rotation taken from three wells, by a large army of people working daily to water the plants and fruits kept. The garden is always green. Today, the Hanging Gardens are only a ruin with ruined stone walls, welcoming tourists to admire the rest of the last floor foundation of the Hanging Gardens, admiring the stone piles of fallen walls to visualize Magical garden with the beautiful Queen of the country for a thousand and one nights nearly 3,000 years ago.

Picture 3 of Mysterious legend about Hanging Gardens of Babylon
King Hammourabi.

Historians have long listed this Hanging Garden as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. There are many theories about the origin of the Hanging Gardens, but can be attributed to two directions: Queen Xêmiramix is ​​the author of this work or this garden was built by the King to give Queen Amitid.

2500 years BC in Mesopotamia , the basin of the rivers Tigre and Euphrate (of modern day Iraq) appeared in Babylon . Around the 18th century BC, under King Hammourabi (1793-1750 BC), Babylon became a famous and prosperous place. In subsequent dynasties, Babylon gradually declined. Until the 7th century BC, under the reign of King Nabucodonossor (604 - 561 BC), Babylon was revived and became the most prosperous economic, cultural and artistic center in ancient times. . This is the gathering point of every convenient trade exchange route across the vast Middle East region. After the completion of his main palace, Nabucodonossor built the famous Hanging Gardens in Northern Babylon.

Picture 4 of Mysterious legend about Hanging Gardens of Babylon Babylon hanging garden as described.

Legend has it that: The King built this garden to give the Empress Amitid , his beloved wife. Amitite of the land of Moscow, the son of King Xiaxarex. For her to avoid homesickness, the king decided to build a precious garden, which planted beautiful, precious and rare trees of the land of Datong.

The second hypothesis is that about 1000 years after the Hammourabi dynasty, Empress Xêmiramix advocated the construction of Bbylone, so it expanded the old citadel , built a large bridge across the Euphrate River to connect the two cities across. river. In the expansion of Babylon, Xêmiranix built the famous Hanging Gardens.

Although Babylon's Hanging Garden is associated with Xêmiramix or Amitite , this masterpiece also comes from a woman. Standing on the Hanging Gardens, one can look over the whole of Babylon because it is 100 meters high. The hanging garden is a lush green space, a hope and a direction for the camel camels in the remote desert.