Mysterious 'sand hill to sing'

Phenomenon in some desert areas emits strange sounds like music pieces, sometimes like the sound of playing bass music, sometimes like the "ting tang" ringtone, sometimes like intense drunkenness , . they called "Singing Sand Dunes".

Mystery of nature: "Sand dunes can sing"

In China, on the deserted plateau in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, there is an enchanted " Loan Loan ". On Britain Island, Haoai Island, in the southwestern coast of the Americas, on the desert of the Xinai Peninsula, in the Desert Desert of Mongolia, Chile's Atacama samurai, and some desert regions in Saudi Arabia all show up. Such special statue. In the Soviet Union, Konkki peninsula and farmland, Bega beach, Lake Began also have the phenomenon of "sand chime".

Picture 1 of Mysterious 'sand hill to sing'

The question arises: Why do sand dunes know to sing?

The ancients thought that it was a demon god who made a monster, or was screamed by the devil in hell, or because the mermaid sang on the sand to seduce the sailors. There are also people who say that it is the bell of the temple under the urging of the teacher to pray.

It was later discovered that that kind of smooth sound was only released when the wind was sunny and beautiful , or when the wind blew sand, from quartz sand grains with diameters from 0.3 to 0.5 milligrams, and If the grain of sand dries, the cry becomes louder. When wet, rainy or winter days, the grains are often silent.

What causes sand to emit "music" that vibrates like that?

Scientists have many different theories and explanations. A scientist said that sound is caused by sand particles rubbing against each other and they are electrostatic, when external forces affect them to collide with each other and there is a phenomenon of electric discharge so that sound is generated.

Another view is that, under the sand hill there is a layer of moist sand, when the sand hill collapses, because the sand layer has drifted into a wave shape on the surface , the surface layer shakes down the sand layer. wet, wet sand creates a kind of musical instrumental shock, from which sounds.

There is also a view that, among the grains of sand with gaps , the air movement in it forms sound resonant elections . When the sand hill collapsed, the air in it came in and out, leading to the shock of the air, from which the sound came out.

Picture 2 of Mysterious 'sand hill to sing'

There is still a view of using reasoning about the rise and fall temperatures and the different modes of movement of sand hills to explain the magic of nature.

To answer the question, experts studied the sound coming from two different sand dunes: one in the Sahara desert in southwest Morocco, and the other near Al-Askharah, a coastal town. in southeastern Oman, on the Arabian Peninsula . In Morocco, continuous sand emits sound at 105 Hertz, in a high Sol range of 2 octaves under the Middle note. And the sand in Oman is murmuring, but it makes a sound that ranges from 90 to 150 Hertz, ie from the high notes to the Dows. The difference is due to the shape and size of sand. While the sand in Morocco is almost similar in size and shape, sand in Oman gathers many different types. Experimental results show that the pitch of musical notes in sand tracks depends on the size of each particle and the speed at which they move through the air.

However, the experts still cannot understand why the movements that seem utterly tasteless, boring and steady of sand create such an enchanting sound. Maybe this is another mystery of nature still waiting to be discovered.