Death from subsidence in sand or swamp is the scenario commonly used in movies, but the reality is not quite the same.

Formed by the changes in weather and erosion of mountains as well as over millions of years, grains of sand flow along the rivers to the sea.

White sandy beaches, hot deserts are increasingly prone to expansion - obviously these pictures show that sand is an endless resource.

Seawater has many different colors depending on the physical and biological characteristics taking place there.

Quicksand isn't a hell like Hollywood movies still depicting, fooling victims with a peaceful look and swallowing them. Indeed, those who have reached the pile

The phenomenon in some desert areas emits strange sounds like music tracks, sometimes like the sound of playing a bass song, sometimes a ringtone

Sand in Altyn-Emel National Park (Kazakhstan) emits strange, melodious sounds. Scientists have yet to find the exact cause of this unique phenomenon.

Have you ever imagined what eyes, tongues, parts of a human body or other creatures would look when viewed under a microscope?