Mysterious white light appears briefly on Mars

Images captured by NASA's Mars Curiosity probe show a mysterious white light trail that cannot be explained on Red Planet.

Images captured by NASA's Mars Curiosity probe show a mysterious white light trail that cannot be explained on Red Planet.

Curiosity recorded this black and white image on June 16 and sent it back to Earth shortly after.

Picture 1 of Mysterious white light appears briefly on Mars

Mysterious light lines appear on Mars.(Photo: NASA).

It is unclear exactly where the white streak in the photo is because it does not appear in images taken almost immediately before and after.

This is not the first time Curiosity records similar irregularities on Mars.

In 2014, NASA's exploration ship detected a mysterious light spot on the Red planet. At that time, Mr. Justin Maki from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said that it could be a ray of light from the surface of reflective rock under sunlight.

In December 2018, Curiosity discovered a "shiny" object that could be a meteorite, but NASA researchers were unsure at the time.

"The planning team thought it might be a meteor because it was shiny. But looks could trick us and the evidence would only come from chemistry," NASA wrote in the November task update. 2018.

  • Detecting mysterious light spots appearing on Mars
  • NASA deciphered the strange white light on Mars
Update 22 June 2019



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