Natural breast production for breast cancer patients

Doctors at O'Brien University (Melbourne - Australia) used fat cells to successfully implant breast tissue for 5 women with breast cancer. Doctors used a plastic frame with a breast implant on the patient's body, then diverted the blood vessels attached to the fat cell into this frame.

Picture 1 of Natural breast production for breast cancer patients
The tissue will gradually fill the gap of the frame quickly.

According to Professor Wayne Morrison, head of the study, this is the first time tissue development takes place in the human body. This technique can be used to feed other types of tissue in a 3-dimensional method like organs in the body. This is considered a breakthrough in plastic surgery medicine, promising to bring natural beauty to women who have to undergo surgery for breast cancer because of cancer.

Currently, mastectomy patients often choose silicone padding or flesh transplant surgery from other parts of the body but both methods have certain limitations, especially women feel uncomfortable.