New treatment for breast cancer patients

The results of a scientific study published Dec. 13 at the Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio, Canada, show that the combination of two Tykerb and Herceptin drugs will help reduce the tumors of Early breast cancer patients before surgery.

The study focused on women with a spike in HR2 protein, the cause of increased breast cancer growth.

Picture 1 of New treatment for breast cancer patients
Illustration. (Internet source)

Research shows that Tykerb and Herceptin are produced to prevent the development and spread of HER2- positive tumors. Tykerb acts to " lock " HER2 proteins inside the cell, while Herceptin "blocks" these proteins on the surface of the cell.

In the study, 455 patients with HER2-positive breast cancer were chemotherapy with these two drugs.

Participants were randomly selected to use each drug separately, or a combination of both for 4 months prior to surgery to remove the cancer and 9 months after surgery. The goal of this study is to find ways to reduce the tumor before surgery.

Tykerb is currently produced by UK-based GlaxoSmithKline PLC, while Herceptin is produced by Genentech pharmaceutical company in California, USA, which is a subsidiary of the Swiss Roche group.

According to Professor Karen Gelmon of the University of British Columbia, Canada and a oncologist, Tykerb is approved for use in the treatment of breast cancer in Canada, and Herceptin is approved for worldwide use.