Natural therapy dealing with sinusitis

Sinusitis, warm compresses, boiling lime leaves to gargle . are good measures for sinusitis patients.

Sinusitis is quite common, caused by bacteria or viruses. Some common symptoms of the disease are nasal congestion, severe headache, facial pain, runny nose . The disease causes many great troubles because often prolonged, complicated treatment. According to Medic Magic, you can try some simple, easy, natural disease treatments without the side effects shown below.

Sinusitis with eucalyptus essential oil

Put a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Wrap a towel over your head and a bowl, then inhale the steam with your nose. This helps you cleanse mucus and feel comfortable right away.

Rest, get enough sleep

The easiest remedy of sinusitis is rest. Sleep as much as you can. This helps the body fight infections and recover quickly.

Drink a lot of water

Picture 1 of Natural therapy dealing with sinusitis

Drink plenty of water like fruit juice and water. Water is the best remedy to wash away mucus. It is these mucus that make it hard to breathe, uncomfortable. However, you need to avoid drinking alcohol, otherwise your illness will be more serious.

Warm packs

Apply a warm wet towel around your nose, head, face and eyes to relieve pain, make mucus easier to drain.

Lemon leaf balm oil

You can boil dried lime leaves about 10 minutes. Then filter the mixture and use this solution to rinse your mouth. It is a great relief for those with sinusitis.

In addition to the above measures, you also need to make a nutritious diet to increase resistance.