Causes of sinusitis

is a common disease in our country. Children and adults can all suffer from VX, but the proportion of adults with this disease is much higher than that of young children.

VX can occur year-round but in winter-spring, there are more people, especially allergic-related VX.

Why suffer?

Sinus is a hollow bone system of the skull and is connected, connected. There are many sinuses such as jaw sinuses, frontal sinuses, butterfly sinuses and floor sinuses. Many causes of VX, such as inflammation, cause air circulation between the sinuses to become stagnant, the mucus in the mucous membranes of the sinuses is not circulated to facilitate the growth of microorganisms.

For bacteria, there are a number of normal parasites in the sinuses that do not cause illness, but when conditions are favorable they become pathogenic (for example, because the sinus lining is blocked, infected by a virus . ). People call these bacteria bacteria an opportunistic pathogen. VX is also common in allergic patients (allergic food allergies, pollen, chemicals, allergies such as: urticaria, eczema, leeches, atopic dermatitis, Prolonged allergic rhinitis .) makes the lining of the edema of the sinuses cause narrowing or obstruction, enabling microorganisms to develop and cause disease.

Picture 1 of Causes of sinusitis
People who use unreasonable antibiotics make antibiotic resistant bacteria very likely to get sinusitis.

VX also occurs due to tooth decay, tooth infection, especially in the upper jaw; people with poor resistance such as the elderly, malnourished stunted children, people with chronic chronic respiratory disease (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis .). People who use unreasonable antibiotics make antibiotic resistant bacteria very likely to get VX. In addition, people find that living environment is not clean, smoke, smoke, cigarette smoke are also favorable factors leading to VX.

Symptoms of sinusitis

We may experience acute VX or chronic VX. In terms of origin, VX is divided into two main categories: VX due to bacterial infections and VX allergies. Some bacteria often cause VX such as S. pneumoniae, H.influenzae, S. pyogenes, P.aeruginosa or even Staphylococcus . No matter what type of VX is, the first stage may have headache, fever, yes when high fever (mainly VX acute in children) but mostly mild fever, especially in acute VX type. Headaches can last all day and night but often hurt the most at night. Increased headaches in the middle of the night are caused by mucus secreted in the sinus lining that clogs. Ocular pain and temporal pain are also common symptoms in VX.

People with VX often have nasal congestion (due to inflammation of the nose, edema), runny nose and may sneeze several times a day, especially early in the morning when they wake up. Sinus discharge will flow into the throat, making the person feel uncomfortable or cause throat irritation. Many cases of VX accompanied by rhinitis make sense of smell like not smelling or smelling incorrectly.

VX can be caused by tooth decay and when the sinuses are infected by bacteria that cause festering in the sinuses and discharge from the throat, the nose makes the person's breath foul, uncomfortable for both the patient and the exposed person. In general, when VX is common, it is easier to spread from sinus to another because they are interconnected. People often use nouns as sinusitis (meaning that many sinuses are inflamed at the same time). In symptoms of VX, often the frontal sinuses are inflamed (jaw sinuses, frontal sinuses, frontal sinuses .), the symptoms are usually more pronounced than inflammation of the sinuses in the back.

Chronic VX cases often make people sick, uncomfortable, or have a headache. Acute VX that does not detect and treat early, usually turns into chronic VX. The consequence of untreated VX can lead to many dangerous diseases such as brain abscess, blurred vision due to glaucoma of the eyeballs . Another feature to note is that VX is easily relapsed, most is meeting the causes of VX from the beginning.

Picture 2 of Causes of sinusitis
Sinusitis can still be completely cured, provided it is examined early and treated properly.

What to do to prevent sinusitis?

When the upper respiratory tract is not hygienically clean, it facilitates the bacteria that live parasites and grow. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the teeth, the mouth is as good as brushing teeth before and after waking up, rinse the physiological saline daily. If you have a sore throat, tonsillitis, you need to be treated completely without the disease becoming chronic. In young children when there is inflammation of the VA, they should be examined and followed the instructions of the ENT specialist.

Adults and children who suffer from tooth decay, inflammation of the teeth, gingivitis, and gum disease need to be examined and treated so that the disease becomes chronic, which is easy to cause. People with allergies, especially allergies related to upper respiratory tract such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, VX allergy . should be examined and treated completely. Cold season also needs to keep the neck warm, not cold water bath. Need a clean living environment, the street should wear a mask to avoid dirt. Do not smoke cigarettes, waterpipe tobacco, especially those suffering from sore throat, VX, rhinitis.

It should be noted that VX disease can still be completely cured, provided that an early examination and proper treatment are done , especially for examination and treatment in experienced ENT specialists. People who have been diagnosed with VX can diagnose their nose with warm steam and can add a few drops of essential oils like peppermint oil. Drink enough water every day to dilute mucus easily to circulate, avoid stagnation. Do not abuse some nasal drops, nasal spray because it is very likely to be dependent on the drug, only use the doctor's prescription and use it for a short time.