New discovery of the extinction of dinosaurs

Picture 1 of New discovery of the extinction of dinosaurs

Previously, scientists always believed that Chicxulub crater craters in the Gulf of Mexico were the result of a collision between Earth and Chicxulub and it was this impact that extinguished the dinosaurs on Earth.

However, scientists also found traces of another collision in Ukraine even dating back thousands of years earlier than the collision in the Gulf of Mexico. This finding shows that dinosaurs are likely to become extinct not just because of a collision but also many collisions.

In 2002, scientists discovered Boltysh Crater crater in Ukrainian territory by a collision between Earth and Boltysh.

Scientists have judged the age of these collisions by taking advantage of fossils of plant pollen and spores inside craters.

Usually after the collision, the Pteridophyta species will be the first plant to appear and save a large number of spores. Based on this, scientists can judge the existence of a collision.

Professor Simon Kelley of the Open University of the UK thinks that in the future scientists will most likely find more collisions as well.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) recently launched the " Space Bodyguard " program to monitor all celestial objects near Earth, thereby providing early warning of collisions. .