New incredible effects when using viagra for ... women

Australian scientists have discovered Viagra, the famous pill to treat erectile dysfunction, can bring great benefits to a range of ... women and babies.

The work done by Mater Research Institute (Queensland, Australia) shows that sildenafil, under the famous brand Viagra, is not only a panacea for men but also a "golden" medicine to help many women less obsessed story. " overtaking ".

The blue pill can help reduce labor time of women; reduce 50% of emergency caesarean sections and 50% forceps forceps to support difficult delivery.

Picture 1 of New incredible effects when using viagra for ... women

Viagra can help women go through a lighter life more often - (Image: FOX NEWS).

Professor Sailesh Kumar, who led the study, said when volunteers took Viagra, the pill helped increase blood flow to the pelvis, including the uterus and placenta during birth, making it easier for women to "get through". and softer. This effect is similar to the effect of drugs when treating erectile dysfunction for men, because increasing blood flow to the pelvis makes them easier to erect.

For births, when a mother uses Viagra, the baby also benefits because the above increase in placental blood flow also helps improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, the baby will have better health. to cross with her mother; reduces the risk of pain and stress during labor. In difficult births, the drug helps to limit interrupted blood supply - a condition that leads to emergency surgery because it directly affects the brain and the newborn's life.

It is also significant to reduce the risk of cesarean delivery and delivery forceps by forceps. While forceps forceps are increasingly limited because of the risk of injury to both the baby and the mother when the baby is removed, caesarean section has also been shown to have a long-term health impact on the mother and the child. be applied when there is no other way.

A study of over 29 million births from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland - UK), published in 2018, showed that caesarean section increased the risk of obesity by 59% and the risk of asthma in children by 21%. The mother not only suffered the risks of surgery but also faced the risk of miscarriage increased by 27%, the risk of stillbirth increased 17% in the next birth.

  • The strange effects of Viagra
  • Viagra will soon be available to women
Update 20 November 2019



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