New method to treat cirrhosis effectively

Currently chronic liver disease can only be cured by liver transplantation. Recently, British researchers have discovered a way to stimulate the production of important liver cells lost by liver attack when suffering from cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.

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This study, published in Nature Medicine , sheds light on a complex biochemical signaling network that activates the regeneration of cells in the liver - the body's main organ to filter harmful toxins from the blood. .

Picture 1 of New method to treat cirrhosis effectively
Discovering the mechanism of cell regeneration of the liver will help
Repair damaged liver tissue by new method

According to scientists, although human liver has a natural regeneration power, replacing damaged liver cells. But, when the liver is damaged, cell regeneration is more likely to focus on the biliary tract.

However, with the discovery of this new mechanism of regeneration of hepatocellular cells may be the key to seeking to cure damaged liver tissue, Luke Boulter of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University of the Research Council Medical research, and the main author of the study, said.

In the UK today, liver disease is the highest cause of death and has continued to increase over the past 40 years. About 16,000 people in the UK died in the last year of liver disease, and the number of people on the waiting list for organ transplants increased from about 300 last year to nearly 500 this year.