New waterproof material helps boats run 'as fast as the wind'

Waterproof coatings seem to resist all the laws of nature. However, they are still too fragile to use in cases where there are strong external effects, whether for clothing or ships at sea.

Waterproof coatings seem to resist all the laws of nature. However, they are still too fragile to use in cases where there are strong external effects, whether for clothing or ships at sea.

Picture 1 of New waterproof material helps boats run 'as fast as the wind'

Boats can run faster due to reduced water resistance.

According to Engadget, researchers have found a solution to these conditions. They have developed a coating that combines elastic polyurethane membrane and water-repellent molecules with resilience. It will heal itself even if it is burned, affected by chemicals or even by ultrasound.

The key here is the structure at the microscopic scale . Previous waterproof coatings have special texture but are not flexible. Only a small amount of impact can damage it, causing the object to become waterlogged. This new material is not as good as the old one, but it is harder to break, more flexible and self healing. You can also fine-tune its components for best results.

Scientists have set up HygraTek to commercialize the technology. Its potential is enormous. Boats can run faster due to reduced water resistance. Clothing, cars and other things can also be water resistant. Read more about this video below.

Update 12 December 2018



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