No parents or children can still be born

US scientists have " cultivated " laboratory eggs and sperm from stem cells - a turning point that could change the fate of parents.

This achievement paves the way for infertility treatment and can help those who have been treated for cancer can still have their biological children.

However, it also raises a series of moral concerns, including the possibility that children are born completely artificial, meaning that men and women are excluded from the process of maintaining the breed.

Picture 1 of No parents or children can still be born

Britain's oldest mother Elizabeth Adeney, 67, has a baby by IVF.(Photo: DailyMail)

The research team at Stanford University in California created the right mix of chemicals and vitamins to " fool " stem cells, turning them into eggs and sperm.

These sperm have short heads and tails, which are considered mature enough to fertilize eggs. Meanwhile, experimental eggs are much more primitive, but they are also more advanced than any artificial eggs created by previous scientific groups.

According to DailyMail , this double success opens up the prospect that every day men and women can keep their eggs and sperm (only from stem cells) to serve artificial insemination.

Currently, the team uses stem cells taken from embryos several days old, but hopes to repeat this achievement on skin fragments.

If so, people can create " male eggs " from men's skin, and " female sperm " from women's skin. It also allows gay couples to have their own children, although many scientists have doubts about the ability to produce sperm from female cells - which lack the Y chromosome.

However, safety and moral concerns also mean that the eggs and artificial sperm are far from being used.

Earlier this year, scientists at Newcastle University once claimed to have created sperm from embryonic stem cells, but the article was later withdrawn.