Obesity affects the ability to conceive

According to an analysis from the US National Institutes of Health, obese couples halved their ability to conceive compared to those of normal weight.

Picture 1 of Obesity affects the ability to conceive
Obesity causes hormonal imbalance, affecting the ability to conceive.

Previous studies have also shown an association between obese women and reduced pregnancy rates, as well as the relationship between male body weight gain and reduced sperm count.

The study also found that women with large waistlines (about 90cm) had difficulty conceiving. Obesity causes hormonal imbalances and problems with ovulation in women, thus affecting the ability to conceive.

A large proportion of infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are also associated with an increased risk of obesity and other metabolic abnormalities. While obesity is not only a factor that causes ovulation problems, it also contributes to women's infertility.