Oxidation - aging eyes

The process of eye aging leaves serious effects on people's daily life and spirit.

Do you have aging?

Picture 1 of Oxidation - aging eyes

(Photo: TTO)

The mechanism of aging is the oxidation reaction in cells, similar to the oxidation of iron objects that cause rust, oxidation reactions that destroy cell membranes that form parts of the body. The process of metabolism in cells and the impact of toxic elements from the external environment such as chemicals, dust, environmental pollution, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, create substances with free radicals in the cell.

These free radicals are very reactive, so they quickly destroy the cellular organization of cellular genetic components (DNA, RNA) and cause disturbance to the physiological function of the cell to make the cell become aging, losing functioning.

The process of eye aging

The eye acts as a film, an eye retina as a film, but differs in that all points on the film have the same resolution so it is obvious at every point, while in the retina , the macula is a region of high resolution, so the details of the retina are clearly visible, the lower part of the retina has a lower resolution, giving a broad view, helping to perceive surrounding objects in a general way.

Royal point

Help see clearly every detail. Under normal conditions, blood supplies nutrients and absorbs residues left behind by the macula. These special nutrients are not produced by the body, but must be taken from the outside.

When there is an aging phenomenon, blood flow to the macula is less, the absorption of nutrients is hampered, the concentration of nutrients to the macula will be less if the diet is not correct, and more residue. The macula is not adequately nourished, leading to blurred vision and may not be seen in the central region, which is called macular degeneration, which usually occurs in the elderly. The disease manifests itself by 3 symptoms:

- Blurred vision, patients think that glasses are no longer suitable.

- There is a fuzzy area in the center, or not seeing all the words of a word.

- The image is deformed.


Take the role of a focusing lens to bring the image back to the right retina. Vitreous (human eye) of older people with sclerosis, unable to swell to perform regulating functions when viewed close, should be called presbyopia. Over time, the lens is no longer transparent, becoming opaque, causing cataract (also known as cataract). This phenomenon occurs in 50% of the elderly, when newly seen, the distance is blurry, looking closer and clear. Later, looking near and blurry, holding out your hand in front of your eyes will only see the shadow.

Raft area - sclera

Schlemm tube may also have fibrosis, so it is easy to increase intraocular pressure (glaucoma, also known as glaucoma, glaucoma). When suffering from acute eye pressure, the patient suffers from eye pain, severe headache, blurred red eyes, seeing rainbow-like color rings, sometimes vomiting. If the body is chronic, the eyes are not sore and the eyesight is reduced and the market is narrowed. This disease should be treated as soon as possible, because in adults when the market is damaged by glaucoma, it cannot be recovered anymore.

Causes of eye aging

Over time, eye aging is inevitable, but this process progresses more rapidly when there are risk factors such as:

- Lack of some essential nutrients due to blood vessels such as vitamins A, C, E, trace elements such as copper and zinc.

- Eyes must work a lot: Use computers, read books, watch television .

- Environmental pollution due to dust, smoke, chemicals, exposure to sunlight.

- Diet: less green vegetables, fruits, fish.

- Smoke.

Preventative method

The aging process is fast or slow depending on the care of each person right from a young age, in the following ways:

Protect the eyes from sunlight by wearing ultraviolet-resistant sunglasses, avoiding going out into the sunniest time of day: from 10 am to 3 pm.

Proper eye care: Do not read books too close (in adults 30-35cm, children 25-30cm), do not read books while sitting on transport vehicles are moving. Working in front of a computer screen or playing a game, every 5-10 minutes must be 5-10 minutes off.

Do not smoke, because smoking weakens the circulatory system of the body, reducing blood flow to the eyes.

Proper diet, regular exercise will help improve the overall health of the body, helping the circulatory system to circulate well.

Use drugs that contain many eye nutrients such as natural shark cartilage extract; types of trace elements (copper, zinc); vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene. The natural shark shark cartilage extracts are substances that are capable of eliminating free radicals in the cell, thus preventing radical oxidative damage on cells, preventing the aging process. of the eye, avoiding aging diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal degeneration . avoiding the risk of vision loss or permanent blindness.

Also note that oral medications are absorbed into the bloodstream and then followed by blood circulation to nourish the eyeball with a better effect than eye drops that only touch the conjunctiva, cornea, covering the front of the eyeball. .